What is Remapping ?

While the primary emphasis of many remaps is on enhancing your vehicle's power and performance, it's also possible to enhance your engine's fuel efficiency through remapping, with or without the pops and bangs.

Engine remapping involves the modification of a car's onboard computer, often referred to as an Electronic Control Unit (ECU), through the installation of new software to alter its behaviour.

In most cases, vehicles from the factory are not optimized to deliver their maximum potential performance, even in the case of sports cars. Typically, ECUs impose limits on the engine's performance to enhance factors such as reliability, emissions, and fuel efficiency.

How does it work ?

Engine remapping involves the installation of a new software program onto the electronic control unit (ECU) of the engine. This tuning process is typically straightforward, often executed by connecting a laptop to the car's OBD port—the same port used by most garages for diagnosing car issues.

While the concept might sound like a straightforward download-and-do-it-yourself task, the reality is a bit more complex.

The objective of the new software is to optimize the engine's behaviour for enhanced performance.

What are the benefits ?

Enhancing your car's performance through remapping is a cost-effective option. The pricing for remapping services varies, but it often stands out as one of the most budget-friendly methods to boost your vehicle's performance.

The beauty of remapping lies in its non-intrusive nature. No physical upgrades are required to unlock the performance benefits(Stage 1). In fact, it's frequently the opposite—many aftermarket parts necessitate an engine remap to ensure optimal functionality.

Frequently asked questions

Is remapping safe?
Yes. However, it will add more stress to your engine. Though many are pretty safe, you’ll need to pay extra care to keep your car well-maintained.
As a rule of thumb, the more power you get from a remap, the more it’ll affect your car’s reliability.
Can any car be remapped?
Most modern cars can be remapped, but some older models with dated software cannot.
To what extent a remap will impact your car can vary wildly depending on your model and where you have it remapped.
We always check this before accepting a job and give you options before continuing with any remapping jobs.
Will my remap affect my insurance?
It almost always raises your insurance quote. However this will depend on how you have it remapped.